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See Siôn Alun Davies in new BBC drama ‘Steeltown Murders’

Based on a true story, ‘Steeltown Murders’ is a four-part drama series based on the real life Llandarcy murders.

Set in Port Talbot, South Wales, the story charts the devastating impact of three unsolved murders on a close-knit community over a thirty-year period.

As the story unfolds, we follow two vividly different timelines – a heady, bawdy 1973 when the murders occur – and a sobered-up 2002 when DNA yields the tantalizing possibility the killer might finally be brought to justice…

Watch L&C’s wonderful Siôn Alun Davies as the young Phil Bach Rees in ‘Steeltown Murders’ – on BBC 1 and iPlayer from Monday 15th May at 9pm.