+44 207 636 6123 info@loudandclearvoices.com

latest news

  • Watch Alexandria Riley in groundbreaking Netflix series ‘Baby Reindeer’

    When a struggling comedian shows one act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to ...

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  • Jamael Westman stars in London Tide at the National Theatre

    It begins like this. With the dusk and the storm and the Thames…A storm rages and, in the darkest part of the night, a body is ...

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  • Matt Yulish is Lt Alex Church in ‘Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance’

    ‘Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance’ is not just a game; it’s an adrenaline-fueled journey where your strategic ...

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  • Watch Tom Meeten in ‘The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin’ on Apple TV

    In ‘The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin’, legendary Highwayman Dick Turpin sets out on a journey of ...

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  • James Hillier stars in ‘Out of Season’ at the Hampstead Theatre

    Yes – the band is back in town!  Michael, Chris and Dev are returning to Ibiza and the hotel where it all began thirty ...

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New voices

  • Natalie Elisha-Welsh

    20/30's London/Neutral, Bright/Chatty/Husky

  • Izzy Meikle-Small

    20's Neutral/RP, Bright/Confident/Engaging

  • Jaden Baker

    20s London/MLE, Bright/Upbeat/Lyrical

  • Liam Garrigan

    20/30's Northern/Hull, Cool/Friendly/Relaxed

  • Bryony Hannah

    20/30's Neutral/RP, Warm/Bright/Versatile

Interesting fact

Warm up your voice before heavy use. Most people know that singers warm up their voices before a performance, yet many don’t realize the need to warm up the speaking voice before heavy use, such as teaching a class, preaching, or giving a speech. Warm-ups can be simple, such as gently gliding from low to high tones on different vowel sounds, doing lip trills (like the motorboat sound that kids make), or tongue trills.

About us

Loud and Clear Voices is a London-based award winning voice over agency. We’ve hand-picked our voices from all areas of the media, so we’ve got some ... Read more →

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