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See Ayoola Smart in witty and innovative brand-new play ‘Paradise Now!’ at the Bush Theatre

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See Ayoola Smart in witty and innovative brand-new play ‘Paradise Now!’ at the Bush Theatre
- Ayoola Smart

It doesn’t happen all the time. That you really connect with someone. It’s rare to meet someone like you.”

Gabriel Dolan’s never been up to much. That’s what everyone says. Until she meets Alex, a young, ambitious woman who sells essential oils for a multi-level marketing company called Paradise, and overnight, she is drawn into a bright new floral-scented world.

In Paradise, you’re your own boss. In Paradise, you could make a fortune. Embraced by a new community of women just like her, Gabriel rises through the ranks of the company like a shooting star.

But when she gets to the top, it doesn’t quite feel like she thought it would.

See L&C’s very talented Ayoola Smart in funny and raging new play ‘Paradise Now!’ by Margaret Perry at the Bush Theatre until 21st January.