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Rich Keeble is in the latest season of ‘Meet the Richardsons’

In the latest season of ‘Meet the Richardson’s’, Lucy’s career is turbo-charged by her BAFTA nomination and she’s getting offered shows from the very big to the frankly bizarre. Jon is fine with Lucy’s success, he’s not competitive at all, and he knows when he’s beaten.

So, while Lucy’s busy on ‘Taskmaster’, ‘Bake Off’ and ‘Celebrity Chinese Whispers’, Jon is plotting his escape from telly, with one last, lucrative job hosting a new daytime quiz show.

Meanwhile, at home, a global superstar and her partner move in next door, making it harder than ever to keep up with the neighbours…

Don’t miss L&C’s fantastic Rich Keeble in ‘Meet the Richardson’s from Monday 29th April at 9pm on Dave – or stream all episodes on UKTV Play.