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+44 207 636 6123 info@loudandclearvoices.com

‘Mike The Knight: Mike’s Bravest Mission’ With Adam James Is On General Release From 31st Aug

‘Mike The Knight: Mike’s Bravest Mission’ featuring Loud and Clear’s perfect gent Adam James as ‘King Hawkwood’ is on general release from 31st Aug.

For many years, generations of the best and bravest knights have attempted to solve the legendary ‘Knight’s Puzzle’, and now it is Mike’s turn! However Mike’s mission heads in an unexpected direction when his arch rival, Edward, steals the puzzle. With the safety of the kingdom in his hands, Mike sets off on a brave journey.

Faced with puzzling obstacles, giant swooping hawks and dark dungeons, Mike and Richard attempt to return the Knight’s Puzzle without waking the sleeping Beast of Hawkwood! Join Mike on a thrilling, edge-of-the-seat adventure to retrieve the stolen Puzzle and protect the Kingdom of Glendragon!

It’s sure to be a fabulous adventure for Mike and his gang in this rollercoaster journey with our very favourite Knight. Get your orders ready for this extra special release.