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Fire up your Fridays as Janice Vee and Lorraine Ashdown are back with a weekly show on Mi-Soul Radio

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Fire up your Fridays as Janice Vee and Lorraine Ashdown are back with a weekly show on Mi-Soul Radio
- Janice Vee

Ruling the airwaves in the late 90s with their drivetime show ‘Full Frontal’, Lorraine Ashdown and Janice Vee first met at Kiss FM in 1996. Fast forward to 2021 and Janice and Lorraine are now mothers who juggle the demands of family life, but have never forgot the power of the boogie! So join the new girls on the Mi-Soul block for uplifting beats and banter.

They are guaranteed to elevate your mood in these testing times! Expect a plethora of musical delights from: soul, house, disco, uk garage, rnb, hip hop, drum and bass and more. There’s a whole hour of tunes chosen by you so make sure you’re part of it. 

Listen to Janice and Lorraine every Friday from 1-4pm on Mi-Soul Radio.