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Dakota Blue Richards stars in ‘anthropology’ at the Hampstead Theatre

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Dakota Blue Richards stars in ‘anthropology’ at the Hampstead Theatre

Merril is one of Silicon Valley’s leading software engineers, but her life disintegrates when her younger sister Angie vanishes on her way home from college.  A year later, when the police have long abandoned their search, Merril assembles all the digital material Angie has left behind and sets about building herself a digital simulation of her sister.  The resultant ‘virtual Angie’ offers her some solace – until, that is, it starts to reveal new details about the real Angie’s disappearance…

San Francisco-based Lauren Gunderson is one of the world’s most produced playwrights; her ‘I and You’ was a huge success at Hampstead in 2018. 

Watch L&C’s brilliant Dakota Blue Richards in ‘anthropology‘ at the Hampstead Theatre until 14th October.