+44 207 636 6123 info@loudandclearvoices.com

New Voices

Jaden Baker

Jaden Baker

20s London/MLE, Bright/Upbeat/Lyrical
listen to me
Natalie Elisha-Welsh

Natalie Elisha-Welsh

20/30's London/Neutral, Bright/Chatty/Husky
listen to me
new commercial showreel!
Liam Garrigan

Liam Garrigan

20/30's Northern/Hull, Cool/Friendly/Relaxed
listen to me
new commercial showreel!
Bryony Hannah

Bryony Hannah

20/30's Neutral/RP, Warm/Bright/Versatile
listen to me
Izzy Meikle-Small

Izzy Meikle-Small

20's Neutral/RP, Bright/Confident/Engaging
listen to me
new commercial showreel!
Thalissa Teixeira

Thalissa Teixeira

20/30's London/Portuguese, Husky/Dynamic/Authentic
listen to me